How it started

Born out of necessity in 2019, our journey began when the lack of options for Marvel Champions storage led us to take matters into our own hands.

Starting humbly at our local Makerspace, we embarked on this DIY adventure. From those early days, armed with passion and innovation, we soon outgrew the confines of creativity and set up shop in our 500 sqft garage after being able to purchase our very own laser. The scent of sawdust, soot,  mixed with dreams filled the air as we worked tirelessly as our business grew leaps and bounds during the early days of the pandemic.

As demand grew, so did our aspirations. We leveled up, quite literally, by investing in our first laser. The garage became our launchpad, the birthplace of countless gaming solutions. Fast forward, and now we proudly call a spacious 2500 sqft warehouse our home.

From that modest Marvel Champions Insert, our product lineup has blossomed into a diverse collection of over 60 items. Inserts, game crates, tokens, and various hardwood marvels now fill our shelves, a testament to our commitment to quality craftsmanship and gamer satisfaction.

Join us on this epic journey through pixels and hardwood, where every product tells a story and every gamer finds a companion. Welcome to our gaming haven – where passion meets play! 🎲✨

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